There is some confusion in the air regarding the new law changes effective August 1st, 2010. In the past ONLY individuals could be caregivers. What is a caregiver? A caregiver is a person who grows your marijuana for you. With the new law, dispensaries are now referred to as "medical marijuana centers." Medical Marijuana Centers can now be listed as caregivers, whereas in the past only "individuals" could be listed as "caregivers" (not businesses). In the past dispensaries had you list "an individual" that represented the dispensary as your caregiver. With the new law, individuals (or caregivers) are limited to 5 patients, so you MUST UPDATE YOUR FORM to reflect the Medical Marijuana Center rather than the individual that represented the dispensary as your caregiver to comply with the new law changes. Once again, the "medical marijuana center" must now be listed as your caregiver, instead of the individual that represented the dispensary in the past. The new forms have clarified that you can grow your own plants PLUS list a medical marijuana center as your caregiver. To comply with the law changes stop by and update your state form at Mile High Medical Cannabis located at 1705 North Federal Blvd., Denver, CO 80204 (directly across from Mile High Stadium - Invesco Field) on the corner of 17th and Federal Blvd. If you have questions please call us at (303) 455-9333.
Added to our existing selection this morning are some excellent strains of very high quality medical marijuana which are fresh in from curing, some of which have been proposed as cannabis cup contenders: Big Budda Kush, Maui Hash Plant, Blue Widow Hash Plant, Blue Mist, Train Wreck, White Rhino, and Mango.